Improving Counting Skills Assisted by The Jarimatika Method in Fifth Grade Elementary School Students


  •   Novita Widyanengrum  Universitas Muria Kudus,  Indonesia
  •   Dhelia Anggita Ningrum  Universitas Muria Kudus,  Indonesia
  •   Septiani Nuraini Arifin  Universitas Muria Kudus,  Indonesia
  •   Lovika Ardana Riswari  Universitas Muria Kudus,  Indonesia



arithmetic skills, multiplication material, the jarimatics method


This study aims to improve students' multiplication counting skills in mathematics. The design of this study uses the Classroom Action Research (PTK) model which in its implementation uses 2 cycles. The independent variable in this study is the jarimatics method, with the dependent variable namely increasing numeracy skills. The population in this study were students at SD 2 Bategede, with a sample of 19 students. This research consisted of 2 cycles, which consisted of planning, implementing, monitoring, and reflecting. Learning is increased in cycle 2 if the indicators for cycle 1 have not been achieved. The collection and analysis of information is carried out on the results of the implementation of the study and partner observations. The results showed that the use of the jarimatics method could improve learning outcomes and changes in attitudes towards learning materials. In cycle I, the average was 69.47. Learning is increased in cycle 2 if the indicators in cycle 1 have not achieved learning success. Then after cycle II the average increase was 86.31. Thus, it is concluded that the use of the jarimatics method can improve learning outcomes and changes in student achievement in learning. Learning using the jarimatics method and other learning tools can make learning more active.




How to Cite

Widyanengrum, N., Ningrum, D. A., Arifin, S. N., & Riswari, L. A. (2023). Improving Counting Skills Assisted by The Jarimatika Method in Fifth Grade Elementary School Students. Indonesian Journal of Mathematics and Natural Science Education, 4(2), 94–102.